All for Anna
Sfogo di Anonimo | Categoria: Lussuria
She stood on the tracks
Waving her arms
Leading me to that third rail shock
Quick as a wink
She changed her mind
She gave me a night
That's all it was
What will it take until I stop
Kidding myself
Wasting my time
There's nothing else I can do
'Cause I'm doing it all for Anna
I don't want anyone new
'Cause I'm living it all for Anna
There's nothing in it for you
'Cause I'm giving it all to Anna
We laid on the beach
Watching the tide
She didn't tell me there were rocks
Under the waves
Right off the shore
Washed up on the sand
Barely alive
Wishing the undertow would stop
How can a man take anymore
There's nothing else I can do
'Cause I'm doing it all for Anna
I don't want anyone new'Cause I'm living it all for Anna
There's nothing in it for you
'Cause I'm giving it all to Anna
I'm failing in school
Losing my friends
Making my family lose their minds
I don't want to eat
I don't want to sleep
I only want Anna one more time
Now I'm in my room
Watching the tube
Telling myself she still may drop
Over to say
She's changed her mind
So, I wait in the dark
Listening for her,
Instead of my old man saying stop...
Kidding yourself,
Wasting your time
There's nothing else I can do
'Cause I'm doing it all for Anna
I don't want anyone new
'Cause I'm living it all for Anna
There's nothing in it for you
'Cause I'm giving it all to Anna
All for Anna
All for Anna
3 commenti
Ma quanti anni hai per amare Billy Joel?
@Anonimo delle 16:42
22. Ne faccio 23 a Dicembre. La musica bona non ha età
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Sono lo sfogante
Possibile che qua dentro non ci siano altri fan di Billy Joel oltre a me? Ma che schifo!